Membership is open to adult pianists of all levels wishing to hone their performing skills. Membership benefits include the following,

1. Perform in all monthly zoom piano meetups for free.  Zoom piano meetups are usually held on the 3rd Sunday each month. To view the dates and times of our zoom meetups, please click here. Should there be zoom piano meetups on other days which follow a same format as the regular Sunday meetup, members can also attend them for free.

*Please note that zoom meetups will no longer take place on the 3rd Sunday of each month so please be sure to refer to the dates of the dates and times listed on our agenda.

2. Member discount on certain events.

3. Priority notification to all special NYPG events.

4. Organize an event for free.  Members can organize up to 4 events such as a workshop, masterclass, zoom online event, concert, meetup, etc.  All events will be reviewed before being published.

5. Free advertising space on the front page of the website for up to a month.  Recommended to business owners who wish to target our community of pianists and piano enthusiasts. Please note that only a logo with a link will be accepted. Logos will be place on a rotating carousel banner at the bottom above the Footer Section. 

6. Publish articles or blog on our site.  Articles can be interview, review (CD, Concert), personal journey related to piano/music, etc.  All articles and blogs will be reviewed before being published.

7. Got a YouTube video to share?  Share a video to be placed on the front page of our site for our visitors. All videos will be reviewed before being published.

Membership runs from September 1, 2023 through July 31, 2024.

Membership is only $30 a year.

(Updated on 8/21/23)
